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MapViewOfFile forms one (with CreateFileMapping erzeugtes or OpenFileMapping geöffnetes) Dateiabbildungsprojekt in the Speicherbereich the aufrufenden Prozesses ex and supply a Anfangsadresse back.
Def @MapViewOfFile(5) !"kernel32","MapViewOfFile"
P:L1 lever the with CreateFileMapping begot Dateiabbildungsprojektes as LongInt. P:L2 One Flag Zugriffsmodus on the Speicherbereich. => $2 = Schreib- and Lesezugriff. $4 = only Lesezugriff. $000F001F = Schreib- and Lesezugriff (How $2) $1 = under NT-based Windowsversionen find Changes the File only Speicherbereich the current Prozesses instead of ? on The disk and Abbildungen another processes becomes nothing written. under not NT-based Systemen becomes of course too the Mappingbereich another processes changed, The File the disk changes itself but not. P:L3 The oberen 32 Bits the Startadresse the with CreateFileMapping begot Speicherbereichs, ex the the Mapping begin should. P:L4 The downstairs 32 Bits the Startadresse the with CreateFileMapping begot Speicherbereichs, ex the the Mapping begin should. P:L5 Number of To übertragenden Bytes as LongInt.
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