
mci.commands Textblock: Multimedia


for a unit benefit to, must one it open. Hierbei there some Wichtigkeiten To mind. because not each unit can itself on dieselbe point open.

Einfache tools open

before one one unit benefit can, must it first initialized go, wozu the open-commands serves.
Einfache tools are in example CDAudio and Videodisc.

open Device [shareable] [alias alias]
Parameter Description
------------------------------------------------------DeviceThe tools-Type, z.B. CDAudio
shareablesee here
aliassee here

the following example opens a Audio-CD under the Alias myCD and game these ex.
MCISend$("open cdaudio alias mycd")
MCISend$("play mycd")

CDAudio and VideoDisc can too as complex tools open. moreover is, instead of one Filenames the CD-drive anzugeben, z.B.
MCISend$("open H: type cdaudio alias mycd")

complex tools open

before is a File benefit can, must tappt im dunkeln first initialized go, wozu the open-commands serves.
complex tools are z.B. WaveAudio and Sequencer.
with complex Geräten go single items, means Files used.
there's three ways, one komplexes unit To benefit:
- one gives solely the unit on. one can then only command
How capability,sysinfo or close benefit.
z.B. MCISend$("sysinfo waveaudio quantity open")
- one gives only whom Filenames on. the unit determined The MCI through
The Sektion [mci extensions] the WIN.INI.
z.B. MCISend$("open C:MyMusicTestA.wav alias test")
- one gives unit and element(=Datei-) on. in the entrapment
ignoring The MCI The Entries in the WIN.INI.
z.B. MCISend$("open C:MyMusicTestA.wav type sequencer alias test")

or MCISend$("open C:MyMusicTestB.mid type sequencer alias test")

The Sektion [mci extensions] the WIN.INI could so looks:
[mci extensions]

The komplexeste Version:
open File [shareable] [type Device] alias aliasor
open Device-type!File [shareable] alias alias

Parameter Description
Filename the To öffnenden File with way
shareablesee here
Devicethe unit, z.B. MPEGVideo
aliassee here


there in long Filenames(ex 32-bit-windows) space vorkommen can, The The MCI as Parameter-Trennung interprets, should Paths, Strings, etc. The space include KÖNNEN, with quotation marks locked in go or through @ShortName$() geschreddert go. ex XProfan8 is the the Ersatzzeichen "q", before it is Chr$(34) To verwenen.
declare mci$
mci$ = "C:\MyMusic\TestA.wav"
mci$ = "open waveaudio!" + mci$ + " alias test"
mci$ = MCISend$(mci$)
case %MCIError : MessageBox(mci$,"",0)
MCISend$("close all")
would The MessageBox a Error spend. in this code

declare mci$
mci$ = ShortName$("C:\MyMusic\TestA.wav")
mci$ = "open waveaudio!" + mci$ + " alias test"
mci$ = MCISend$(mci$)
case %MCIError : MessageBox(mci$,"",0)
MCISend$("close all")
might against it everything klappen.
my recommendation: there The !-shape no others effect has as The others, recommend I on The Standart-shape, means open-type-alias zurückzugreifen. should tappt im dunkeln though in her application (Perhaps because of others Problemen with long Filenames?) Paths fundamentally with ShortName$() schreddern, can tappt im dunkeln The !-shape safely use.

ShortName$() functions only objectively existenten Files and Pfaden.


MCISend$("play A [from s] [to E]")

A: Alias, unit or all
from s: the Play begins on the position s.
Fehlt this Parameter, launch the Play
on the actually position.
to E: the Play end with the position E
Fehlt this Parameter, end the Play on the
end the File or at next stop-commands.


MCISend$("pause <Gerät>") , MCISend$("resume <Gerät>") and MCISend$("stop <Gerät>")

interval holds the Play/take in of/ one File on, it can itself with resume again continue.
Stop against exits the Play really.
stop has nothing with close To do.
closed becomes one unit with
MCISend$("close <Gerät>").

the only The grundsätzlichsten command.
Konkreteres and yet plenty More finds your in the MCI.hlp.
Nico Madysa

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