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![iF: 11/19/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | an the interessantesten quality Windows is its Multimediafähigkeit.
there's a Multimedia-interface with the all kinds of (and future) Multimediageräte addressed go can. These interface name itself MCI, "Media-Control-Interface". About The function LINK:[MCISend]$ can XProfan with this interface kommunzieren.
any associated tools can over these function with einfachen, almost umgangssprachlichen (english) commands gesteuert go.
is the command successful carryed out been, has %LINK:[MCIError] the value 0 and the zurückgemeldete String contains The angeforderte information or simply "OK".
is one Error aufgetreten, is the Rückgabestring The Error Message.
Multimediageräte are programs to that Play of WAV-, MIDI- and VIDEO-Files likewise How z.B. the CD-player (the CD-ROM-drive as Audiogerät).
The most important Multimedia-tools are: CDAudio (CD-drive) Sequencer (MIDIs) WaveAudio (WAVE-Files) MPEGVideo (all sorts of things: MPEGs, MP3s, WMAs, WMVs, ...)
Also here yet some important command : [tb]mci.commands[/tb]
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