
mci.uebermci Statement: Multimedia


About MCI

The Media Control interface(MCI) is a interface circa Multimedia-tools To to check on. with the MCI can any gegenwärtige and future Multimedia-tools to check on. The MCI is, similar the API or whom DLLs, programmiersprachenunabhängig. The communication with the MCI basiert hereon, that the MCI command sent go, The this subsequently executing. These command follow vaguely the general english Orthografie and (seltener) the english Grammatik.

In Profan²/XProfan becomes The MCI over The function MCISend$() used. as Parameter becomes the commands transfer, the Result is either one Leerstring, a desired information or a Error Message. whether something not worked has, observes one by the Systemvariable %MCIError, The with one Error on 1 staid becomes.
declare err$
err$ = $ MCISend("Open qtest.wavq alias test")
case %MCIError : MessageBox(err$,"MCI-Error!",0)

in this example becomes The File Test.wav opened and in the entrapment one Fehlers the Fehlertext outputted.

A.d.Ü.: Devices(engl. gadget, unit) are types of Multimedia-Files. Examples are AudioCD, Wave-Audio or Sequencer. items of/ one Device are The Files, means The items the Device WaveAudio any *.wav-Files. i'll try, tappt im dunkeln in this Help under the german names tools To name. 
Nico Madysa

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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