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 | @MessageBox(s1,s2,I3)
MessageBox anzeigen; supply squeezed button.
Parameter: P:s1 - Meldungstext P:s2 - Headline P:I3 - manner the MessageBox
an MessageBox becomes on-screen brought. P:I3 setting itself together from: BUTTONS | ICON | DEFAULT | FENSTERART.
values for BUTTONS:
worth | Constant | Description | 0 | ~MB_OK | OK | 1 | ~MB_OKCANCEL | OK Cancel | 2 | ~MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | Cancel repeat ignore | 3 | ~MB_YESNOCANCEL | Yes No Cancel | 4 | ~MB_YESNO | Yes No | 5 | ~MB_RETRYCANCEL | repeat Cancel | |
values for ICON:
worth | Constant | Description | 0 | | no Icon | 16 | ~MB_ICONSTOP | STOP | 32 | ~MB_ICONQUESTION | "?" | 48 | ~MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | "!" | 64 | ~MB_ICONINFORMATION | "i" | |
values for DEFAULT: The worth gives on, which button defaultmäßig (as default) choosed is:
worth | Constant | Description | 0 | ~MB_DEFBUTTON1 | first button | 256 | ~MB_DEFBUTTON2 | zweiter button | 512 | ~MB_DEFBUTTON3 | dritter button | 768 | ~MB_DEFBUTTON4 | fourth button | |
values for FENSTERART:
worth | Constant | Description | 0 | ~MB_APPLMODAL | "normales" Window | 4096 | ~MB_SYSTEMMODAL | large, not verschiebbares "Fehler"-Window | 8192 | ~MB_TASKMODAL | How 0, however for unsichtbare Window | 16384 | ~MB_HELP | fügt a Help-Button hinzu | 65536 | ~MB_SETFOREGROUND | The MessageBox becomes into Vordergrund staid | 262144 | ~MB_TOPMOST | The MessageBox becomes into Vordergrund staid and remaining there | 524288 | ~MB_RIGHT | Text rechtsbündig report | |
the Result is the squeezed button (Button):
worth | Constant | Description | 1 | ~IDOK | OK | 2 | ~IDCANCEL | Cancel (Cancel) | 3 | ~IDABORT | Cancel (miscarriage) | 4 | ~IDRETRY | repeat | 5 | ~IDIGNORE | ignore | 6 | ~IDYES | Yes | 7 | ~IDNO | No | |
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