
messagemode Statement: Message-Handling


with LINK:[Set]("MessageMode", n%) can the interne Messagehandling affect go.

n% - Messagemode (0 .. 2)

with Profan7 watts one advanced Messagehandling introduced. the led in some Make
To Kompatibilitätsproblemen z.B. with the usage of GetFocus.
WaitInput becomes z.B. already at change with TAB on the Button leave.
If it too zukunftsicherer is, The programs anzupassen, so is it still now possible
with the function X%=@SET("MessageMode",0) largely The compatibility to profane6 and former produce.
with X%=SET("MessageMode",1) becomes again the Originalzustand manufactured.

In XProfan there a further Messagemode. it watts the Messagemode 2 introduced.
The reason: by the Einbinden the Manifesto-Resource mail Windows XP additional Notify-messages.
the lead moreover, that already the WAITINPUT (with Notifycode -12) leave becomes,
if The mouse a Button drüberfährt.
the mach naturally sense, if one for care would like, that itself at Drüberfahren the Button changes.
in the Messagemode 1, the furthermore voreingestellt is, and in the Messagemode 0 go with this Messages
now WAITINPUT not any more leave and accordingly is XProfan to previous versions (without Manifesto-Resource) compatible.

want one The new messages benefit, position one now with SET("MessageMode",2) whom new Messagemode one
and must on these messages now self react.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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