
music procedure: Multimedia


The Parameter P:s1 is a String of/ one own Makrosprache. These Makrosprache is compatible to Music-macro-Language, How tappt im dunkeln of BASIC since (for PLAY-commands) famous is.
circa a scale in quarter-notes in the 3. Oktave To play, reicht following commands:

MUSIC "O3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 > C4"

Erhöhungs- and Erniedrigungszeichen are just as possible, as well as Punktierungen:

MUSIC "C#2 F-8 G4."

time-outs having whom Notenwert "P".

MUSIC "O3 C#4 D2 > D2 E4 E2."

for Soundkartenbesitzer watts The Makrosprache extended, the commands MUSIC gives now with Existing MIDI-unit, Soundkarte or MIDI-interface, The music over the MIDI-unit from. The music-macro-Language of XProfan bid moreover following command:

In - instrument n (0 ... 127) becomes on the actually channel laid. <b>*</b>
Kn - channel n (0..15) becomes wiedergegeben. <b>*</b>
Vn - The actually channel becomes on Volume n (0...127) tuned. <b>*</b>

Voreingestellt is channel 0 with instrument 0 (= piano) in the Laustärke 100. These extensions wirken only then, if the MIDI-unit correctly installs is, otherwise results The spending over the loudspeaker.

scheduler: music-macro-Language (note = Notenzeichen)
A..G- suitable note
#- increase
+- increase
-- abasement (Minuszeichen)
.- doted
n- mark The Notenlänge. 4 standing for quarter, 2 for half-way, etc. becomes n omitted, becomes The Standardlänge akin.
On- Oktave n (0..6) becomes chosen
>- an Oktave higher
<- an Oktave niedriger
Ln- setting The Standardlänge
Pn- interval in the length n.
Tn- tempo: Number of Viertelnoten per Minute. Defaultwert is 120.
MN- normal music. Each note becomes 7/8 the Time played
ML- Legato. The sounds go into each other over.
MS- Staccato. Each note becomes only 3/4 the Time played.
In- <b>*</b> instrument n (0 ... 127) becomes on the actually MIDI-channel laid.
Kn- <b>*</b> MIDI-channel n (0..15) becomes wiedergegeben.
Vn- <b>*</b> The actually channel becomes on Volume n (0...127) tuned.

<b>*</b> These command wirken only of/ one Soundkarte.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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