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OpenProcess determined a handle one Prozesses.
P:L1: ? Happen? for Zugriffsrechte, everybody can over this lever has (only NT-based systems). ? Happen? can with | add go => $1F0FFF = i will maximum Zugriffsrechte over this lever. $80 = for internen use. $2 = Ermöglicht the produce a thread. $40 = Ermöglicht the Duplizieren one Handles. $400 = Ermöglicht it, Information the Prozesses auszulesen. $200 = Ermöglicht it, The priority the Prozesses To Change. $1 = i will whom Process terminate. $8 = Ermöglicht it, whom virtual memory the Prozesses To Change. $10 = i will Information from the virtual memory the Prozesses reading. $20 = i will data into virtual memory the Prozesses write. $80000000 = Ermöglicht it, the lever for API ‚Wait-Funktionen’ (Process terminate) einzusetzen. only NT-based systems!
P:L2: Flag, the angibt, whether the lever one new Process vererbt go can => 1 = Yes 0 = No
P:L3: ID the Prozesses,for one a handle receive wants.
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