
operatoren Statement: maths



Operators knows Profan first since the Version 6. before get mathematical and Verknüpfungs-Operationen over functions Done. The functions existieren from Kompatibilitätsgründen furthermore, can but for zukünfige versions of XProfan not guaranteeing go.

there's following Operators:

Var = expressionWertzuweisung

with the Wertzuweisung any Variablentypen possible. The expression ought to of equal type his as Variable. some values go automatically konvertiert (Int <--> LongInt, Int+LongInt -> Float). for (String <--> Int) ought to one always Konvertierungsfunktionen using ( @LINKF:[Int], @LINKF:[Str]$ ).

A$ + B$Strings verknüpfen; old: @Add$(A$,B$)
A$ = B$comparison: Gleichheit; old: @Equ$(A$,B$)
A$ <> B$comparison: Ungleichheit; old: @NEq$(A$,B$)

The Datentyp is here always of type String.

A% + B%Addition; old: @Add(A%,B%)
A% - B%Subtraktion; old: @Sub(A%,B%)
A% * B%Multiplikation; old: @Mul(A%,B%)
A% / B%Division; old: @Div(A%,B%)
A% B%ganzzahlige Division: 5 2 = 2 (remainder falls lane); old: @Div&(A%,B%)
A% MOD B%Modulo/Teilungsrest: 5 mod 2 = 1 (the remainder the Division); old: @Mod(A%,B%)
A% ^ B%Potenz; old: @Pow(A%,B%)

The Datentyp Integer (<b>%</b>) standing here stellvertretend for: <b>%</b> (Integer), <b>&</b> (LongInt), <b>!</b> (Float).

A% < B%comparison: small as (less than); old: @LT(A%,B%)
A$ < B$comparison: small as (less than); old: @LT$(A$,B$)
A% <= B%comparison: small or same (less or equal); (there were not as function)
A$ <= B$comparison: small or same (less or equal); (there were not as function)
A% > B%comparison: greater as (greater than); old: @GT(A%,B%)
A$ > B$comparison: greater as (greater than); old: @GT$(A$,B$)
A% >= B%comparison: greater or same (greater or equal); (there were not as function)
A$ >= B$comparison: greater or same (greater or equal); (there were not as function)
A% = B%comparison: Gleichheit; old: @Equ(A%,B%)
A% <> B%comparison: Ungleichheit; old: @NEq(A%,B%)

The Datentyp Integer (<b>%</b>) standing here stellvertretend for: <b>%</b> (Integer), <b>&</b> (LongInt), <b>!</b> (Float).

A% AND B%logisches UND
A% OR B%logisches ODER
NOT(A%)logisches NOT (existing <b>nur</b> as function)

The Datentyp Integer (<b>%</b>) standing here stellvertretend for: <b>%</b> (Integer), <b>&</b> (LongInt).

A% & B%binäres UND
A% | B%binäres ODER
A% << B%Bits to left schieben (in Delphi: SHL)
A% >> B%Bits to right schieben (in Delphi: SHR)

The Datentyp Integer (<b>%</b>) standing here stellvertretend for: <b>%</b> (Integer), <b>&</b> (LongInt).

If the - too Parameter part (How about with LINKP:[WINDOW] and the many <a href="https://XProfan.com/index.mx?online-Documentation-rubriken/rub8">Grafik-Befehlen</a>), is it necessary Subtraktionen einzuklammern, about:
Window a%,(b% - 5) - (c% - 6),500

Anderenfalls can the Parser confusion get and there's Fehlermeldungen.

The Operators are following Hierarchiestufen eingeteilt:
2.MOD AND * / & >> <<
3.OR + - |
4.= > <
5.<> >= <=

Info: The Hierarchie corresponds to vaguely the under PASCAL and weicht from the BASIC-Hierarchie ex. The Vergleichsoperatoren (level 4 + 5) are BASIC higher classed.

from BASIC:
If A% > 6 AND A% <= 20 THEN
End If

becomes in XProfan:
If (A% > 6) AND (A% <= 20)

In PASCAL would one write:
If (A > 6) AND (A <= 20) THEN BEGIN

Klammerung is How normally allows,
C% = 5 * (A% + B%)
Result! = 248 * d% / (e% + f%)

clinging can discretionary, d.h. until Stack-Überlauf, nested go.

<b>Wichtig:</b> respect tappt im dunkeln on The Klammersetzung. Version 7.5 pushing on Error, The Version 6.5 yet overlooking has! The Error Message "Zu little Parameter" in a row with verschachtelten functions/clinging deutet often on a Error in the Klammersetzung there!

<b>Achtung:</b> logical means, that the Result true (1) or wrong (0) is, with binären functions go The values bitweise verknüpft:

logical: 2 OR 4 yields 1, because at least of/ one the values <> 0 (= true) is

binary: @OR(2,4) or. 2 | 4 yields 6: %0010 OR %0100 = %0110

for speedy Berechnungen with Integer-Values, z.B. in creep, etc., there in XProfan additional some command, The faster and übersichtlicher are:

LINKP:[INC] V%increased V% circa 1
LINKP:[DEC] V%erniedrigt V% circa 1
LINKP:[ADD] V%,nincreased V% circa n
LINKP:[SUB] V%,nerniedrigt V% circa n

(Hierbei standing <b>V%</b> for a arbitrary Integer- or Longint-Variable and <b>n</b> for a beliebigen expression.)

for the join of Strings (Zeichenketten) becomes the "+" akin:
Text$ = "Du are " + Str$(old%) + " years old."

of course functions in some versions too:
Text$ = "Du are ";Str$(old%);" years old."

however is only the Pluszeichen as Verknüpfungs-Operator definiert. It can therefore To fehlerhaften Programs lead, if not elaborate worked becomes.

<b>Hinweis:</b> The automatic Typumwandlung functions with einfachen variables. with functions, The a numerischen worth give back, won't always automatically transformed, therefore is here always The function @LINKF:[Str]$ To use! VOR and After whom Operators must one space stand. there some Operatorzeichen too in another Context using go, can Compiler and Interpreter otherwise fehlerhaften code produce.
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