
owner Statement: Erkl

Owner or proprietor:

One proprietor has always Special Rights to one Objekt - so is it in Programmierbereich.
The group or the User, the in the Security-Descriptor  one Objektes (z.B. of/ one File) as proprietor set watts, has IMMER the right, Zugriffsrechte To Change. thereby is it beside the point, whether Special ACE 's (Entries in the Security-Descriptor) it this prohibit or The permit by a missing entry not exists.
Eigentumsrechte can only claim, if of my group or my Usernamen in the Security-Descriptor the jeweiligen Objektes (one such entry is there ACE ) moreover the right given watts (WRITE_OWNER). Also must my Login Profile the privilege SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege  own and this in the Token  of my Prozesses be activated.

who as proprietor one Objektes at all benannt go can, places the Token the Prozesses solid, the Eigentumsrechte claim wants. only the actually User and groups, The in the Token the Prozesses with SE_GROUP_OWNER  marked are, can through this Process as proprietor staid go! only NT based Windowssysteme none a proprietor.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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