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 | The Aufrufparameter of/ one procedure go variables allocated, The only inside the procedure and ihren Unterprozeduren famous are.
P:X1 - Variablenname(n)
One example finds itself under LINK:[Proc]. The Number of variables ought to not more than same the maximalen Number of Übergabeparameter sein; screen becomes this but just as little, as Datentypen. Gegebenenfalls results a automatic conversion.
becomes a procedure with less Parameters called, as variables with LINK:[Declare] expects go, are The restlichen variables undefiniert. go More Parameter transfer, stay The überzähligen unregarded. The Number of übergebenen Parameter can with %LINKS:[PCount] determined go. On these point is it possible, Procedures, functions and modes To write, The with unterschiedlicher amount of Parameters called go can and even according to Parameteranzahl differently react.
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