
printres Statement: pressure

with Set ("PrintRes", P:I1) can whom factor the xProfaninternen Druckerauflösung change.

P:I1 = 1 : expression might then something grobkörnig his, there only with about 80dpi (20 cm = ca. 8 inch. 640 spots on 8 inch power even 80 spots/inch) printed becomes The Druckauflösung corresponds to then means about 3 spots/mm. If the reicht, about for Farb-photos, is the The simplest Solution. with Liniengrafiken could then though Treppchen To see his.

in the Standardeinstellung with factor 10 corresponds to The Druckauflösung about 800dpi ... circa there Treppchen To see, need it already a Laserdrucker, thin diaogonale lines and a good Lupe.

with Get ("PrintRes") can the tuned worth read go.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jupp Fitten01/08/11


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