
prioritaet Statement: Erkl

windows bid The Possibility, mehre processes (means programs) at the same time walk To let - still runs there really something "gleichzeitig" ex? No. on my own The fact, that it in the rule only a processor gives shows, that the well not the case is. the Betriebsystem must means somehow determine, when which Program how much Rechenzeit of processor contains.

becomes one Program launched, becomes it a so-called "Basispriorität" with on the lane given, The festlegt on which place the program into "Warteschlange on Prozessorzeit" eingefügt becomes. One component this "Basispriorität" is the priority the Prozesses. there one Process but too several Threads - means independent ablaufende Programmteile - may have, can also each Thread a additional different priority allocated go.

Both, priority the Prozesses and priority a thread can of Programmer set go, in the rule having these Prioritäten but Standardwerte.
only who at the beginning this angesprochenen "Warteschlange" standing, sustain really in the moment Prozessorzeit allocated. thereby runs in the background one Zeitinterwall ex. on the end the Zeitinterwalls becomes the instantly ongoing Thread of beginning the "Warteliste" on The latest place the wartenden Threads with the equal priority moved.

there to this method Threads with of/ one niedrigen Base priority none carryed out go would, there there next to the Base priority yet The "Dynamische Priorität". so increased itself to that example apiece longer one Process wait these "Dynamische Priorität", so that too Threads with niedriger Base priority sometime once at the beginning the "Warteschlange" stand. These "Dynamische Priorität" erhoht itself ditto, if one Window one Prozesses whom Focus get - and the for all Threads the Prozesses.
is one Thread then first once at the beginning the "Warteschlange" angelang, verringert itself to each term the Zeitinterwalls The dynamic priority, To again The anfängliche Base priority access is. the privilege SeIncreaseBasePriority  schränkt The API SetPriorityClass  one.
SetPriorityClass is thereby not The Aktivierung the Privilegs dependent, separate activate this self - it must means only present his.
Fehlt the angesprochene privilege, can The REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ($100) not give away go. becomes attempts these priority To give away, becomes The priority on the then highest worth ($80) HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS staid. an feedback over evtl. not available rights results not.

declared SetThreadPriority  won't by the privilege limited, though these API ditto to that settle the Base priority beiträgt!

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