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one the Kernstücke the safety of NT-based Windowssystemen are The Privilegien. Privilegien are nothing other as rights one Users, integrally defined API's, The Settings the Systems read or settle, successful perform To can. One solches right would z.B. the right, The System-Time To Change, the Microsoft 'SeSystemtimePrivilege' name and the The API SetSystemTime einschränkt.
Standardmäßig these rights in windows of/ one group zugeordnet, d.h. z.B. as Administrator have you got only as long as these rights, How You too the group 'Administratoren' angehörst. Privilegien can but too one User directly zugeordnet go - d.h. even if the User its group changes, it keeps its previous rights!
One right To own reicht on my own but not from - to the Benutzung one Privileges must the privilege first once in (m)one Program be activated - The group the local 'Administratoren' has of course many Privilegien, most of it are but standardmäßig deaktiviert. a few API's enable your privilege same automatically with their appeal with, this is but only the Ausnahmefall. enable can one privilege for its Program with the API AdjustTokenPrivileges.
over again: its one riesen Difference, one privilege To own and really so works to. many Programmer throwing there some confusion - tappt im dunkeln try, Privilegien To enable, The tappt im dunkeln none own or wonder itself, that a API withal vorhandenen Privileges not functions, having but forget, the privilege To enable.
Privilegien go on the computer as so-called LUID's abgespeichert. One LUID is a 8 byte great area, which worth each for names one designed Privilegs standing. Privilegien there only NT-based Windowssystemen, means not under windows95/98/ME!
privilege add: has one one privilege to a group or one User added, must itself the suitable User anew into computer einloggen, so the privilege available is.
privilege enable: activate one one privilege and launch then from seinem Program out, z.B. through WINEXEC, one new Program, is the privilege too for this program activate. In all others Programs, The independent in the same Account walk, remaining the privilege deaktiviert.
Rückgaben: vor the appeal of/ one API because of one not aktivierten or not vorhandenen Privileges fehl, supply The API GetLastError the value 1314 back.
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