
Process32Next, KERNEL32 API: Process, Thread, DLL

Process32Next reads in a with CreateToolhelp32Snapshot begot Systemschnappschuß Information over the next, there gelisteten Process from. around the first Process auszulesen, must one Process32First use.

P:L1: lever the Schnappschusses as LongIntwert.

P:B2: PROCESSENTRY32 Structure or 296 Bytes great area, the The Information over the Process receiving.
The structure exists from subesquent sharing =>
byte 0-3 = Size the structure.
byte 4-7 = Number of Verweise on the Process (Related Profanhilfe under Getrusage).
byte 8-11= ID the Prozesses.
byte 12-15 = Identifier for standart Heap the Prozesses.
byte 16-19 = Module ID the Prozesses.
byte 20-23 = Number of of Process launched Threads.
byte 24-27 = ID the Prozesses, the whom abgefragten Process created has.
byte 28-31 = Base priority the of Process begot Threads.
byte 32-295 = way and name the EXE the Prozesses. These API there not under WindowsNT.

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