
prospeed.dll Statement

<b>Eine Dll, circa speedy programs To release. prepares in Assembler.</b>

<a href='https://XProfan.com/index.php?c=16'>https://XProfan.com/index.php?c=16</a>

The ProSpeed.dll speaks integrally particularly diejenigen on, The with Profan (or ähnlichen Languages, VB, PureBasic etc.) Games program want.

The Sprite functions bring animated, moving, transparente Sprite whom screen, without the itself the Hauptprogramm yet therefore concern must! everything automatically...
up to 32 externe Bitmaps (Bmp, Gif, Jpg, Wmf, Psf) can in memory held and (integrally or partly) hither and thither copies go. Gespeichert go can Images as Bmp or Jpg..
two Komprimierungs-Formate bring Space on the Festplatte and More Datensicherheit.
screen-Manipulationen How Blur, SemiTrans, Darken, Lighten, Water, Flip, Rotate, ColorMove, AlphaTrans etc., everything in Echtzeit.
too a gigantic selection on speedy memory-functions is present.
many Sound-functions (need DirectX) care for The right Hintergrunds-scenary.
Ausserdem yet umfangreiche Joystick and mouse-functions, Tiles, Künstliche intelligence, Rotierung, Files in the Sourcecode, screen-story, Timerfunktionen, Datagenerator, Sternenfelder, explosions and and and...
Yes and then is there too yet Moritz's Kerstens Pathfinder, one tolles Program circa Bewegungs-Paths for Sprites To design, Real class!
and the very best is, The ProSpeed.dll is only 57 KB tall !!!

The ProSpeed.dll becomes standig extended.

yet has tappt im dunkeln 200 functions. together with spare vertiebener (kostenloser) software is tappt im dunkeln Freeware, should tappt im dunkeln your software together with the ProSpeedDll sell or not private (z.B. in a firm) using, go einmalig 15 Euro due. with firmeninterner Benutzung becomes per eingesetztem computer, on the ProSpeed installs is, the amount due.

On each computer, on the a not-Freeware develops becomes, becomes The fee due. Freewareprogramme-development is naturally spare. though must one then to some Benutzungszeit with of/ one Infomeldung calculate.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sven Bader02/01/22


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