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Michael Wodrich | Ver- and entschlüsselt Texts.
Parameter: P:s1 - To ver-/entschlüsselnder Text
Result: String - ent-/verschlüsselter Text
with this function can one String to Unkenntlichkeit verschlüsselt go. through renewed appeal becomes the String again entschlüsselt. so the whole functions, must with the commands LINK:[PassWord] one password definiert his. self-evident must to that Entschlüsseln the same password tuned his How at code. is no password tuned beziehungweise is it one Leerstring bewirkt The function nothing. The function is so configures, that The Sortierreihenfolge the Strings itself possible not changes. tappt im dunkeln can means too in Context with dBase-Files needed go. It can however vorkommen, that in the string by the conversion not druckbare Sonderzeichen come into being (How z.B, the Zeilenende-characters), so a Use this Strings in INI-Files or Text files not recommendable is. In binären Files can it free from problems stored go. These Verschlüsselung erschwert of course whom Access to The data, is (yet) not unknackbar!
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/20/05 ▲ |