Online-Documentation | | | |  Michael Wodrich | RegQueryValueEx reads whom type and the data one one Wertes from the Registry from.
P:L1: lever the Registryschlüssels, the the value contains as LongInt.
P:L2 or P:B3: address one Strings with the names the auszulesenden Wertes or a Memory-Variable, The this names contains.
3.Parameter: reserved, must 0 his.
P:B4: Memory-Variable, The whom type the ausgelesenen Wertes receiving (can 0 his) => $3 = Binärer Key (Bytefolge unterschiedlicher Size). $4 = 4 byte or LongIntwert. often go only The two oberen Bytes the Wertes berücksichtigt. $5 = 4 byte or LongIntwert. The downstairs 2 byte the Wertes go berücksichtigt. $2 = String with abschließendem Nullbyte. can Enviroment-Variables include. $6 = One symbolischer Link in the Unicode stature. $7 = One aray nullterminierter Strings. $0 = not definierter Datentyp. $8 = driver Resourcenliste. $1 = String with abschließendem Nullbyte without Enviroment-Variables.
P:B5: Bereichvariable, The the value receiving.
P:B6: 4 byte Memory-Variable. this worth must on The Size the Bereichs in Parameter 4 staid go. If the function zurückkehrt, standing here The length the ausgelesenen Wertes in Bytes.
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