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 Michael Wodrich | RegSaveKey save a Key and any Unterschlüssel in binary shape in a File. under NT-based Systemen is to Speicherung the privilege ?SeBackupPrivilege? necessary, the before activate go must.
P:L1: lever one opened Keys (which Unterschlüssel one lists would like) as LongInt or following values => HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = $80000000 HKEY_CURRENT_USER = $80000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = $80000002 HKEY_USERS = $80000003
P:L2 or P:B2: address one Strings or Memory-Variable with String, the whom Filenames angibt, into The Schlüsselfolge stored go should.
P:B3: Memory-Variable or structure, The The Zugriffsrechte for File festlegt. this Parameter can also 0 his.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/15/05 ▲ |