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 Michael Wodrich | Searchpath seek in the angegebenen directory after a File and gives back, whether these there present is. with Searchpath can itself the Dateiname a way + Dateiname-combination extract.
Deklaration: DEF SearchPath(6) !"KERNEL32","SearchPathA"
Parameter: P:L1 address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the whom To durchsuchenden way contains. it go no Unterverzeichnisse search. is this Parameter 0, becomes in subesquent Verzeichnissen sought: => in the directory, from the the program loaded watts. in the actually directory. in the windows Systemverzeichnis. with NT in the 16 BIT Systemverzeichnis. in the Windows directory. into Verzeichnissen, The under the Umgebungsvariable PATH aufgeführt are. P:L2 address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the whom Filenames (no extension) contains. P:L3 address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the The expansion the File (with point) contains. P:L4 Size the Memory-Variables from Parameter 5 (in letters). ought to mindestends the MAX_PATH length the jeweiligen Systems correspond to (z. B. 256 windows 98) P:L5 Bereichvariable, The whom found Pfadnamen plus whom Filenames receiving. P:L6 Memory-Variable, The The address the Dateinamens inside the in Parameter 5 zurückgegebenen Strings receiving.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/16/05 ▲ |