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Michael Wodrich | sends a row of Keyboard-Key-Pressings a Fensterelement.
Parameter: P:L1 - lever the Fensterobjektes P:s1 - String
on the window/the Fensterobjekt with the lever P:L1 becomes becomes a row simulierter Tastendrücke sent, where P:s2 a arbitrary Zeichenkette is. Each Button becomes through one or several characters repräsentiert. circa normal letters, characters and Digits darzustellen, give tappt im dunkeln these as Zeichenkette on (example 1).
the plus-characters (+), Caret-characters (^), percent-characters (%), The Tilde (~) and clinging ( ) having with the SendString-function Special meanings. circa one this characters anzugeben, close tappt im dunkeln the characters in geschweifte bracket. circa in example the plus-characters anzugeben, give tappt im dunkeln {+} one (example 2).
circa geschweifte Klammerzeichen To Send, give tappt im dunkeln {{} and {}} one.
to indicated of characters, The at pressing the pertinent Button (z.B. EINGABETASTE or TABULATORTASTE) not showing, as well as of Keys, The no characters present, use tappt im dunkeln whom suitable Codetext (see scheduler under) in geschweiften clinging (example 3).
circa Tastenkombinationen anzugeben, The The UMSCHALTTASTE, The STRG-TASTE or The ALT-TASTE include, fügen tappt im dunkeln to the regulären Tastencode a or. several the subesquent Codes hinzu: + = UMSCHALTTASTE, ^ = STRG-TASTE and % = ALT-TASTE.
circa a Tastenkombination anzugeben, with the a or more this Keys pressed held go, during at the same time several others Keys pressed go, close tappt im dunkeln whom code the Keys in bracket. circa in example The UMSCHALTTASTE pressed To hold, during e and c pressed go, use tappt im dunkeln "+(ec)" (="EC"). around the UMSCHALTTASTE pressed To hold, during e pressed and is the on e following c without UMSCHALTTASTE pressed becomes, use tappt im dunkeln "+ec" (="Ec").
circa a itself number of times wiederholende Button anzugeben, use tappt im dunkeln The shape Button amount, where tappt im dunkeln between whom Parameters Button and amount one space insert must. in example means LEFT 42, that The After-LINKS-TASTE 42 time pressed wird; h 10 means, that the character h 10 time pressed becomes.
Additional can a, and akin go.
(characters, The only with ALTGR access go (z.B. and @), go in the 16-bit-Version not sent.)
If P:I2 the value 0 has, becomes on the Fensterobjekt with the Focus gesandt; 0 is gleichbedeutend with %LINKS:[GetFocus].
characters | weight | "abc" | Zeichenkette "abc" Send (Ersatzzeichen allows) | {} | - (geschweifte clinging) herewith go The subesquent Sonderzeichen as pure Textzeichen displayed (too The geschweiften clinging self). | () | - (clinging) gleichzeitiges pressing of Keys | + | - (plus) Umschalttaste | ^ | - (Caret) Strg-Button (Ctrl-Button) | % | - (percent) old-Button | ~ | - (Tilde) |
Button | code | BILD-HOCH | {PGUP} | BILD-RUNTER | {PGDN} | DRUCK | {PRTSC} | EINFG | {INSERT} | ENTER | {ENTER} | ENDE | {END} | ENTF | {DELETE} or {DEL} | ESC | {ESCAPE} or {ESC} | FESTSTELL | {CAPSLOCK} | HILFE | {HELP} | LÖSCHTASTE | {CLEAR} | LINKS | {LEFT} | HOCH | {UP} | RECHTS | {RIGHT} | RUNTER | {DOWN} | NUM | {NUMLOCK} | POS1 | {HOME} | ROLLEN | {SCROLLLOCK} | RÜCKTASTE | {BACKSPACE} or {BS} or {BKSP} | TABULATOR | {TAB} | UNTBR | {BREAK} | F1 | {F1} | ... | ... | F24 | {F24} | These function can under windows 3.x and Windows 95 different reagieren; particularly then, if a 32-bit-application Tastencodes on a 16-bit-application sent and be inverse.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/09/05 ▲ |