
setcomext function: system, Ger


@SetComExt(P:L1, P:I2, P:I3, P:I4, P:I5, P:I6, P:I7)

P:L1- lever the interface
P:I2- RlsTimeOut in ms (only 16 bit)
P:I3- CtsTimeOut in ms (only 16 bit)
P:I4- DsrTimeOut in ms (only 16 bit)
P:I5- ? Happen?:
$0001: Binärer mode
$0002: Parity Check ON
$0004: CTS Handshaking ON
$0008: DSR Handshaking ON
$0010: DTR signal ON
$0020: DTR signal Handshaking
$0040: DSR check ON
$0080: XOFF continues Tx
$0100: XON/XOFF spending ON
$0200: XON/XOFF input ON (rather always $0300 for One- and spending settle)
$0400: Error Replacement ON
$0800: zero Stripping ON
$1000: RTS signal ON
$2000: RTS signal Handshake ($3000: RTS signal Toggle)
$4000: exits Read/Write with Error
($8000: without weight)
P:I6- Minimalzahl of characters in the Empfangsschlange, before Xon gesendet becomes
P:I7- Maximalzahl of characters in the Empfangsschlange, before Xoff gesendet becomes

These function is something for advanced Programmer, tappt im dunkeln itself with the Gegebenheiten the COM-interface well know. she's to @LINK:[SetCom] aufzurufen and extended there chosen Settings. thereby go The Puffer initialized.

Kombinationen the ? Happen? go through addition score. The angegebenen values are Hex-values!

Parameter, The not changed go should, are with -1 To occupy. On these point can with the function eachone single Parameter the interface (under 32 bit only n5, n6 or n7) aimed changed go.

Info: The 3 TimeOut-Parameter P:I2, P:I3 and P:I4 galten only in the 16-bit-Version of Profan and are now without weight. to attitude the TimeOuts there now The function @LINK:[SetComTimeOuts].
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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