
setcomtimeouts function: system, Ger


@SetComTimeOuts(P:L1, P:I2, P:I3, P:I4, P:I5, P:I6)

position The Timeout-values one com-Ports one.

P:L1 - lever the interface
P:I2 - ReadIntervalTimeOut
P:I3 - ReadTotalTimeOutMultiplier
P:I4 - ReadTotalTimeOutConstant
P:I5 - WriteTotalTimeOutMultiplier
P:I6 - WriteTotalTimeOutConstant

The first Parameter is the of @LINKF:[OpenCom] ermittelte lever the seriellen interface. The restlichen values having following weight:

<b>ReadIntervalTimeout:</b> The Time in Millisekunden The maximum between the receptions zweier characters verstreichen must. The Zeitperiode begins, once one characters receive watts. Übersteigt The Time between two characters this worth, becomes The Leseoperation exits and the conceived characters stand in the Buffer. One worth of 0 means, that this TimeOut not using becomes. One worth of $FFFFFFFF together with 0 for ReadTotalTimeoutConstant and ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier means, that The Leseoperation immediate zurückkehrt, even if no characters red get.

<b>ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier:</b> factor in Millisekunden, around the entire TimeOut-Time for Leseoperationen To detect. for each Leseoperation becomes this worth with the Number of To lesenden characters multipliziert.

<b>ReadTotalTimeoutConstant:</b> Constant in Millisekunden, around the entire TimeOut-Time for Leseoperationen To detect. for each Leseoperation becomes this worth to that product from ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier and Number of characters added. are both values (ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier and ReadTotalTimeoutConstant) on 0, go no Timeouts for Leseoperationen akin.

<b>WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier:</b> factor in Millisekunden, around the entire TimeOut-Time for Schreiboperationen To detect. for each Schreiboperation becomes this worth with the Number of To schreibenden characters multipliziert.

<b>WriteTotalTimeoutConstant:</b> Constant in Millisekunden, around the entire TimeOut-Time for Schreiboperationen To detect. for each Schreiboperation becomes this worth to that product from WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier and Number of characters added. are both values (WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier and WriteTotalTimeoutConstant) on 0, go no Timeouts for Schreiboperationen akin.

circa single values unchanged To let, is for tappt im dunkeln -1 type.
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