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Michael Wodrich | The commands SetErrorlevel is only yet from Kompatibilitätsgründen present. he'll ex Profan 7.5 by the function @Set("LINKX:[ErrorLevel]",n%) supplant!
SetErrorlevel n%
n% - the einzustellende Errorlevel
according to wish can the Errorlevel on a the possible values staid go. so becomes the behaviour the Systems with appear one Fehlers or of/ one warning definiert.
Warnungen step, if one expression not as numerischer worth To interpret is or z.B. a Bilddatei not found becomes.
Level | Description | 2 | for integrally cautious: Warnungen go How Error treats and make for of/ one Error Message with Programmabbruch. | 1 | for the Programmentwicklung: too Warnungen go spend, but the program runs on wish moreover. | 0 | The Normalzustand: Warnungen go not displayed. Diesen Errorlevel ought to one with one finished Program use. | -1 | almost already kriminell: too Fehlermeldungen go übergangen. the can under Umständen to a Windowsfehler or crash the Systemes with Datenverlust lead. | -2 | see under |
becomes as Errorlevel -2 indicated, becomes the Profan-interne Message-Handling (in the Interpreter to eachone Befehlszeile - in the Runtimemodul to eachone 20.) shorted. (The Errorlevel becomes NOT changed.) These Funktionalität is only from Kompatibilitätsgründen To older versions yet present. ex Profan 7.5 is here The function @Set("LINKX:[FastMode]",n%) To use!
Zurückgesetzt becomes these attitude by the electoral one "richtigen" Errorlevels with the equal commands. with "SetErrorlevel %LINKS:[Errorlevel]" becomes the augenblickliche Errorlevel akin, the Messagehandling but again into "Normal"-status shifts. ex Profan7.5 are instead of this Befehles The subesquent functions To using: Set("LINKX:[Errorlevel]" Set("LINKX:[FastMode]"
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 05/19/05 ▲ |