| |
 Michael Wodrich | setting the Attribut P:I2 the File #P:I1 or P:s1. with usage of/ one Dateikennung must this before a File with LINK:[ASSIGN] allocated been his. The File must but not opened his. opened becomes a File by the command LINK:[REWRITE], LINK:[APPEND], LINK:[RESET] or LINK:[OPENRW].
The values for attributes are: (hex.)
$01 | = ReadOnly (read) | $02 | = Hidden (cache) | $04 | = system (Systemdatei) | $08 | = Label (Plattenname) | $10 | = Directory (directory) | $20 | = archive (Archivierungsbit) |
go several attributes akin, so are you To add. The File must not opened his.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/06/05 ▲ |