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 Michael Wodrich | Radizieren / Wurzelziehen
The Quadratwurzel To P:F1 becomes errechnet.
The Parameter P:F1 can eachone numerische expression larger or same zero his.
<hr> circa a arbitrary root (not only The 2. root) calculate to prepares one itself in Profan a Own function:
Def @Radi(2) @!(2)^(1/@!(1))
Def @Radi(2) @Exp((1/@!(1)) * @Ln(@!(2)))
The first Parameter is the Radikant and the second Parameter is the Wurzelexponent. The Calling the 4ten root from 81 sees with the function so from: @Radi(4, 81).
<b>Hinweis:</b> one mind hierbei, that the Wurzelexponent larger zero his must, means the first Parameter >0.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/05/05 ▲ |