
stature function: Stringmanipulation, Zeichensatz


The function @stature$ format whom in P:F2 angegebenen Gleitkommawert into through P:s1 angegebene stature.

The subesquent Formatangaben go in the Formatstring supported:

0 If the To formatierende worth on the suitable place a number has, so becomes these into Ergebnisstring copies. otherwise becomes a 0 (zero) on this place inserted.
#Stellenplatzhalter. If the To formatierende worth on the suitable place a number has, so becomes these into Ergebnisstring copies. otherwise becomes on diesere place nothing inserted (too no space).
.Dezimalpunkt. the first appear the Zeichens '.' (point) in the Formatstring places The position the Trennzeichens for Dezimalteil fest; each further Vorkommen of '.' becomes ignoring. the objectively as Dezimaltrennzeichen used characters becomes by the landesspezifische windows-attitude set. in the german Sprachraum is it usually the comma.
,Separator for Tausenderstellen. If the Formatstring one or several ','-characters contains, becomes in the Ergebnisstring between eachone group of three to put left of Dezimalkomma the Separator eingefügt. The position and Number of characters ',' in the Formatstring has none further Einfluss on the Ergebnisstring, with the exception, that hierdurch indicated becomes, that Separator for Tausenderstellen desired are. the objectively as Separator used characters becomes by the landesspezifische windows-attitude set. in the german Sprachraum is it usually the point.
E+scientific Notierung. If in the Formatstring of/ one the Strings 'E+', 'E-', 'e+' or 'e-' vorkommen, becomes The number in wissenschaftlicher Notierung displayed. up to four characters '0' (zero) can live on 'E+', 'E-', 'e+' or 'e-' follow, around the minimale amount to put for Exponenten festzulegen. The indicated 'E+' and 'e+' effect, that for positive Exponenten one Pluszeichen and negatives Exponenten one Minuszeichen eingefügt becomes. The indicated 'E-' and 'e-' effect, that solely for negatives Exponenten one Minuszeichen eingefügt becomes.
'xx'characters, The of einfachen quotation marks surrounding are, go How indicated displayed and bearing not The Formatierung.
;part The reaches for positive and negatives values as well as for Nullwerte in the Formatstring. circa for positive and negatives values as well as for Nullwerte different Formate To make possible, can the Formatstring up to three through Semikolon separated reaches include.
- One area: The Formatstring becomes on any values applied.
- two reaches: The first area becomes for positive values and Nullwerte applied, the second area for negatives values.
- three reaches: The first area becomes for positive values, the second area for negatives values and the dritte area for Nullwerte applied.
If the area for negatives values or the area for Nullwerte empty, d.h. nothing between whom Semikolons standing, The whom area limit, becomes instead the area for positive values uses.

The position the in the Formatstring to the Dezimalpunkt on the weitesten left stehenden '0' and the to the Dezimalpunkt on the weitesten right stehenden '0' places The amount to put solid, The in the Ergebnisstring always displayed go.
The To formatierende number becomes always on so many Dezimalstellen gerundet, How Stellenplatzhalter ('0' or '#') right of Dezimalpunkt present are. If the Formatstring none Dezimalpunkt contains, becomes the To formatierende worth on The next Ganzzahl gerundet.

If the To formatierende number More to put left of Dezimaltrennzeichen has, as Stellenplatzhalter left of characters '.' in the Formatstring present are, go The additional to put to the first Stellenplatzhalter in the Ergebnisstring eingefügt. because of the automatischen Typkonvertierung can instead of the Fließkommawertes (2. Parameter) too a Ganzzahl inserted go. leaves one in the Formatstring whom Dezimalpunkt from, can means too Ganzzahlen format go.
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