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 | VirtualFreeEx gives allocated virtual memory (in a strangers Process) spare and (or) heave The Zuweisung To realem memory on.
P:L1 the lever the Prozesses, with the the Zugriffsrecht PROCESS_VM_OPERATION ($8) to open is.
P:L2 The Startadresse the To bearbeitenden Speichers in the jeweiligen Process.
P:L3 The amount on Bytes: becomes in Parameter 4 $8000 (MEM_RELEASE) indicated, must here 0 stand. otherwise becomes The Zuweisung all pages (see Page )aufgehoben, The the angegebene area abdeckt. P:L4 One Flag the angibt, as Zuweisung aufgehoben go should:
$4000(MEM_DECOMMIT) | The virtual memory remaining reserved, is keinem realem memory zugeordnet.
| $8000 (MEM_RELEASE) | The Zuweisung To realem memory becomes aufgehoben and the virtual memory becomes again released.
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