
whileloop Kontrollstruktur: Kontrollstruktur

WhileLoop P:L1[,P:L2[,P:L3]] ... EndWhile

P:L1 - Number of Durchläufe or Startwert
P:L2 - Endwert
P:L3 - Schrittweite

this is The XProfan-Version the traditionellen LINK:[FOR]-NEXT-Loop. though is a Verschachtelung of several creep something differently To release, particularly if on The Laufvariablen the creep zugegriffen go must.

gives it only a Parameter, becomes The Loop very around the behind WhileLoop angegebene number go through.
(see example 1)

it'll 10 time the "X" outputted. for the drop, that the Schleifenindex needed becomes, is this in &LINKS:[Loop]. outside of/ one Loop is &LINKS:[Loop] undefiniert and within of/ one others While-Loop has &LINKS:[Loop] whom actually worth the behind While or. WhileNot stehenden Ausdrucks, means into most Make 1. within of/ one LINK:[Repeat]-LINK:[Until]-Loop is &LINKS:[Loop] undefiniert.
(see example 2)

with two Parmetern is the first the Startwert and the second the Endwert.
(see example 3)

it go the numbers of 10 To 20 outputted.

there's optional a third Parameter, the The Schrittweite angibt. The Schrittweite can also negative his. it'll screen, whether The Parameter meaningfully are. 0 as Schrittweite is just as little registered, as an Schrittweite into incorrect direction. So the first worth small as the second, must The Schrittweite positively his and inverse.
(see example 4)

it go the numbers of 150 To 100 in 5it-stepped outputted.

the Äquivalent of/ one WhileLoop-Loop to of/ one For-Next-Loop (s. o.) would the following:
(see example 5)

an Verschachtelung would How follows realized:
(see example 6) deference: The behind WhileLoop stehende expression becomes only at Beginn the Loop ausgewertet and thereafter not any more! One Changing the Ausdrucks in the Loop remaining wirkungslos.

It can too the of BASIC since gewohnte WEND instead of EndWhile using go. EndWhile is however vorzuziehen.

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