
WideCharToMultiByte, KERNEL32 API: Stringmanipulation, Zeichensatz


WideCharToMultiByte GetControlParas (B a Unicode String a Multi- or Singlebyte String circa.

P:L1- Codepage number as Integer.
0= ANSI Codepage
1= OEM Codepage
2= macintosh Codepage
P:L2- performance- and Umwandlungsflags as LongInt (can 0 his).
P:B3- area with or address one Strings in the Unicode stature, the konvertiert go should.
P:L4- Number of letters in the string from Parameter 3. becomes here -1 indicated, becomes adopted, that the String with a Nullbyte end and the Size automatically accounts.
P:B5- enough dimensionierte Memory-Variable, The whom konvertierten String aufnimmt.
P:L6- Size the Bereichs of Parameter 5 as Integer. If this Parameter 0 is, gives The function The benötigte amount on Bytes for Parameter 5 back.
P:B7- address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the a letters contains, the inserted becomes, if one Unicode character not Translated go can. this Parameter can 0 his - it'll then one Systemstandard uses.
P:B8- Memory-Variable, The The address one ? Happen? receiving, the indicating whether a character through one 'Default' (Parameter 7) supplant watts (can 0 his).
1= Yes
0= No

Return Value:
If Parameter 6 on 0 staid and is The action succeed, supply The API as Return The erforderliche Size the Bereiches in Parameter 5.

If Parameter 6 mismatched 0 and that the function successful completed watts, is the Return The Number of copied characters (+abschließendes Nullbyte).

with Return 0 is a Error aufgetreten.
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Michael W.08/21/18
Jens Petzold03/11/12
Georg Hülsmann05/26/11


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