
Window Style procedure: Menu, Control, dialog, Window - 2


<tAbLe width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tR><tD valign=top>Das Appearance the Programmfensters becomes set.

P:L1 - Style the Fensters

following properties can definiert go:</tD><tD align=right valign=top>Styletipps:
windowstyle ( 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 512 )// x_ws_app
windowstyle ( 80 | 512 )// x_ws_game
windowstyle ( x_ws_app | 1024 )// x_ws_tool
windowstyle ( x_ws_game | x_ws_tool )// x_ws_screensaver

1- Window has Vergrösserungsbox (arrow to supra) and can vergrössert go, only in link with 8 possible, corresponds to ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX/$10000
2- Window has Verkleinerungsbox (arrow down) and can to that Icon go, only in link with 8 possible, corresponds to ~WS_MINIMIZEBOX/$10000
4- Dicker welt (Size the Fensters is veränderbar), corresponds to ~WS_THICKFRAME/$10000
8- Window has system-Menu, corresponds to ~WS_SYSMENU/$10000
16- Window has first of all no Menu (means too no ©)
32- Window using Bildschirmhintergrund as background
64- the Window has no Headline
128- the Program can weder with <Strg-Esc>, <Alt-Tab> yet <Alt-F4> leave go.
256- the Program can weder with old-F4 yet with Strg-Esc leave go. story with old-tab is however possible. the System Menu is wirkungslos, can but over @MenuItem or. %MenuItem in the program quizzed go.
512- Dialogfensterstil for Mainwindow (s.u.)
1024- ToolWindow - Window appear not in the TaskBar and has The typical-smaller ones ToolWindowTitleBar.

Kombinationen go through addition the individual values access.
so the commands effect shows, must it to the first Open the Programmfensters erfolgen!
should the Bildschirmhintergrund as background akin go, must the window with WINDOW (and not CLS) opened go.

The Dialog-Window-Style (512 or. $200) allows it, that Dialogelemente on one Mainwindow erbenso react, How in a Dialog-Window, d.h. it can with TAB between them umgeschaltet go, Buttons react only at release the Knopfes, etc. likewise like a Dialog-Window governed the Mainwindow now neither More the close the Fensters, separate this must through %LINKS:[Key] same 2 quizzed go, what sure often erwünscht is. too at Anklicken the new Knopfes to that close in windows 95 becomes %LINKS:[Key] on 2 staid. One Standardfenster with Dialogeigenschaften has so z.B. whom Style $20F. The Stile $100 (256) and $80 (128) are not the new Style together To use. The Style $200 is then To use, if one Program on the Mainwindow Dialogelemente anlegt. it exists too The Possibility, whom Fensterstil the Program over the WinAPI To Change. there are not always any Kombinationen wirkungsvoll: Verkleinerungs- and Vergrösserungsbox go only then displayed, if too one System Menu present is.
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