
xpse.changes Textblock

V0.1.7j 30.05.2007{$res

V0.1.7f 22.01.2007
XPSE watts on multiple wish the Community german.

new Features:

next to...

...Gibts now too...

likewise new is the Kompilerschalter {$prebatch *}

differently as with Batch, where the Batchkommando to the Compile carryed out becomes, becomes with the PreBatch angegebene command to the Compile carryed out.

too new is the Possibility, by Commandozeilenparameter the Einbinden of/ one Include To force.

Aufrufbeispiel with XProfanDatei names xpsetext99.prf and To inkludierender File "rokosoft.inc":

<pre><tAbLe width=100% bgcolor=#000000><tR><td><font face='courier new' color=#AAAAAA>
c:>xpse.exe xpsetest99.prf*include:rokosoft.inc


V0.1.7e 21.01.2007
interne Version, watts not published.

V0.1.7d 21.01.2007
Compile can also withal Warnungen erzwungen go. anew "C" pressing.

File xpse.tmp becomes, unless More needed, automatically deleted.

the XPSE-log-File (xpse.log) won't More automatically created. only if in a View source the Kompilerschalter <a href='#log'>{$log}</a> indicated is, then go these View source betreffenden Operationen into xpse.log written.

with gesetztem Kompilerschalter <a href='#nodef'>{$nodef}</a> go with Units no .hlp.html and .def - Files created. ought to with gesetztem Kompilerschalter <a href='#nodef'>{$nodef}</a> a this Files present his, so go tappt im dunkeln deleted.

{$preferednamespace} is antiquated and becomes of <a href='#unit'>{$unit}</a> abgelöst. behind {$unit *} can now too the Preferednamespace indicated and be $unit setting too the $L-Flag for XProfankompiler.

One example, instead of:
 {$preferednamespace ms.}

need only yet:
 {$unit ms.}

written go.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Frank Tretter01/13/12


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