
xpse.intro Textblock

XPSE → Error ausmerzen, View source optimize, programs speed and stabiler make, sauberer program, Entwicklungszeit save.

with the XProfan-Syntax-Enhancer statten tappt im dunkeln your XProfan with additional command, and of/ one advanced Syntax from.
XPSE supported The neuste XProfan-Version and orientiert itself on the latest Release. XPSE becomes always free his.

XPSEhttps://XProfan.com/download.php?id=275  https://XProfan.com/thread.mx?f=32 
XPRRhttps://XProfan.com/download.php?id=2490  https://XProfan.com/thread.mx?161?// 
XPIAhttps://frabbing.de/Xpia.zip  https://XProfan.com/thread.mx?f=39 

ask, Notes and Bugs Please in the Supportforum https://XProfan.com/thread.mx?f=32  post
or, ifs apocryphal his should, in the Bugnity under "XProfanverwandtes Program https://XProfan.com/bugreport.html  .

<tAbLe cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tR><tD valign=top>
· <a href='#install'>Installation and Handhabung</a>
· <a href='#kompilerschalter'>Kompilerschalter</a>
· <a href='#syntax'>Syntaktische Erweiterungen</a>
· <a href='#konstanten'>Konstanten</a>
· <a href='#oop'>OOP</a>
· <a href='#errors'>Errors and Warnungen</a>
· <a href='#changes'>Changes</a>
· <a href='#sonstiges'>Sonstiges</a>
· <a href='#batch'>{$batch}</a>
· <a href='#kompilerschalter'>{$cleq}</a>
· <a href='#compiler'>{$compiler}</a>
· <a href='#cpp'>{$cpp}</a>
· <a href='#debug'>{$debug}</a>
· <a href='#includepath'>{$includepath}</a>
· <a href='#log'>{$log}</a>
· <a href='#mapfile'>{$mapfile}</a>
· <a href='#noerr'>{$noerr}</a>
· <a href='#nodef'>{$nodef}</a>
· <a href='#nosectioncheck'>{$nosectioncheck}</a>
· <a href='#runtime'>{$runtime}</a>
· <a href='#prebatch'>{$prebatch}</a>
· <a href='#preferednamespace'>{$preferednamespace}</a>
· <a href='#pushkeyword'>{$pushkeyword}</a>
· <a href='#res'>{$res}</a>
· <a href='#unit'>{$unit}</a>
· <a href='#asmstart'>asmstart</a>
· <a href='#const'>const</a>
· <a href='#export'>export</a>
· <a href='#for'>for</a>
· <a href='#include'>include</a>
· <a href='#swap'>swap</a>

· <a href='#konstanten'><font color=#007700>Konstanten</font></a>

</tD><tD width=10></tD><tD align=center valign=bottom>
XPSE becomes through Einwirkung the XProfan-Community constantly correct and is moreover there, The Opportunities the Profan-Community in the reference on The XProfan- Programming umzusetzen. XPSE is a expedient which the XProfan-Programmer on simple Nature and point - next to whom others Features - too More Syntax-comfort bid.

on my own The Erschaffung of/ one such Programmgrundlage can already nachhaltig and positively into Weiterentwicklung of XProfan einfließen, and the does tappt im dunkeln too, because it get already a crowd Features - even if not 1:1 - übernommen or than Gedankengrundlage gedient.

<font size=1>Der Author the XPSE (David Strutz) undertaking no Liability with/for Schäden on Hard/-or software, which through Use the XPSE come into being could. its however yet no no Schadensfall famous. :D The XPSE is freeware and can/must insofern this unchanged is, discretionary relayed go. Disassembling and Debugging is allows. The View source verbleibt at Author and standing not to disengaged Disposal. The take in book / shareware-CD's, or Download-centres, or on CD's same which manner is erwünscht and without demand with indicated the URL:  [...]  permits.</font>

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Peter Max Müller10/02/14
Andreas Koch01/14/13
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