
combobox-messages Statement: Message-Handling


Messages for Auswahlboxen

These messages are for all types of ComboBoxen einzusetzen; moreover counts too The of XProfan supported AuswahlBox. others ComboBox-Types permit z.B. too The input in the obersten row or show constantly both pieces the ComboBox on: Edit box and Listbox.

$0143cb_AddString- Fügt a String to list of/ one Selection hinzu. The String standing in the Memory-Variables.
P:L4 - area = hinzuzufügender String
Return Value: <0 = Error

s$ = "Das is a Test!"
String V#,0 = s$

Hierbei is W& the lever the Selection.
$0144cb_DeleteString- deletes a String from list of/ one Selection.

P:L3 - index the To löschenden String (first String = 0)
Return Value: <0 = Error
$0145cb_Dir- Fügt a list the Files from the actually directory to Auswahlliste hinzu. with the selection becomes the Dateiattribut (see under @LINKF:[GetFAttr]) berücksichtigt. circa additional The drives aufzulisten, is $4000 the Attribut hinzuzufügen. The Memory-Variable contains The Suchmaske.

P:L3 - Dateiattribut
P:L4 - area = File-Suchmaske (z.B. "*.*")
Return Value:
<0 = Error (z.B. To little Space in the list)
>=0 = index the last Eintrages (first entry = 0)

s$ = "*.*"
String V#,0 = s$

Hierbei is W& the lever the Selection. circa only a Laufwerksliste To produce, is as Attribut in P:L3 the worth $4000 einzusetzen.
$0146cb_GetCount- Number of Entries in the list.
Return Value: index the last Eintrages (first entry = 0)
$0147cb_GetCurSel- index the currently selected Eintrages the list.
Return Value: index the Eintrages (first entry = 0)
$0148cb_GetLBText- copies a String from the list into Memory-Variable.

deference: the abschliessende byte with the worth 0 (zero) is because of the Rückgabewertes self To settle!

<b>Hinweis:</b> The Memory-Variable must enough dimensioniert his!

P:L3 - index the desired Eintrages
P:L4 - area, the whom String take in should
Return Value: length the Strings
$0149cb_GetLBTextLen- determined The length one String from the list.

P:L3 - index the desired Eintrages
Return Value: length the Strings
$014Bcb_ResetContent- deletes The list the Selection.
$014Ccb_FindString- it'll the entry determined, the with the Suchstring begins.

P:L3 - index the Eintrages to the The Search beginnt; should tappt im dunkeln at the beginning begin, must it -1 his.
P:L4 - area = Suchstring
Return Value:
<0 = Error (not found)
>=0 = index the sought Eintrages (first entry = 0)
$014Dcb_SelectString- it'll the entry determined, the with the Suchstring begins. The entry becomes markiert and whom visible area the list wheeled.

P:L3 - index the Eintrages to the The Search beginnt; should tappt im dunkeln at the beginning begin, must it -1 his.
P:L4 - area = Suchstring
Return Value:
<0 = Error (not found)
>=0 = index the sought Eintrages (first entry = 0)
$014Ecb_SetCurSel- dial a entry from the list from and roll it into visible area.

P:L3 - index the desired Eintrages (-1: no entry becomes select)
$014Fcb_ShowDropDown- shows The Auswahlliste one Auswahlfensters.

P:L3 : 1 = Auswahlliste zeigen; 0 = Auswahlliste close
deference: These Messages Please not others Windowsobjekten bring into action, there there The equal Botschaftsnummern another weight having!
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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Andreas Koch03/12/12


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