
createlistbox function: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

Createlistbox prepares the control Listbox on the Control P:L1 on position (P:L3,P:L4) with Size (P:L5,P:L6). Parameter P:s2 has with this function optisch no Auswirkungen.

XPSE-User can also furthermore "Createlistbox" write there XPSE automatically into new shape konvertiert (not-XPSE-User should the new shape write):
Handle& = @LINK:[Create]("ListBox",L1,s2, L3,L4, L5,L6)

P:L1 - lever the übergeordneten Fensters/Controls
P:s2 - must one Leerstring his
P:L3,P:L4 - left upper corner the ListBox (x,y)
P:L5,P:L6 - Size the ListBox (dx,dy)

it'll one Listbox-dialog created and a handle hereon zurückgegeben.

[HEAD]XProfan 10[/HEAD]
ex XProfan 10 there here a Änderung/expansion:
The Parameter s2 becomes now numerisch (P:L2) and gives now whom Style the Listbox on. The Listbox can now means too sortiert his, what before over @Create("SortedListBox"...) chosen watts, and (NEW) its a Multiple choice possible. one markiert How in windows normally with gehaltener Strg-Button several single or with gehaltener Invoice values-Button whole reaches of Lines.

P:L2 - the new ListBox-Style (ex v10.0)

scheduler ListBox-Stile
0- normal ListBox (is the default, if instead of the Stils one Leerstring indicated watts)
1- The ListBox is sortiert
2- Multiple choice is possible
3- sortiert and Multiple choice

One Leerstring älterer Source code becomes as 0 gewertet, so that these How yet functions.
The "SortedListbox" is now not any more necessary, remaining but from Kompatibilitätsgründen in
the bislang valid version (no Multiple choice!) receive.

LINK:[Select String] allows with Multiple choice then through mehrfachen appeal The selection
more Lines the Listbox. One Scrolling the selected row(n) into visible area
finds then not instead of. element P:L1 ought to existieren.

P:s2 ought to one Leerstring his. too a Zuweisung with SetText (or äquivalenten command) ought to unterlassen go, there this To unvorhersehbaren Reaktionen lead can.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Dean Wood01/23/13


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