
endpaint Kontrollstruktur: Image, graphic, Textausgabe


Endmarke for commands LINK:[StartPaint].

with StartPaint can The Bildschirmausgaben on one other Window, about a DialogBox or one DialogFenster detoured go. so is it now possible in arbitrary Window, its lever one has, To malen, Text auszugeben, Bitmaps To loading, etc.

If as Fensterhandle -1 indicated becomes results The spending into "unsichtbares Fenster", namely into Memorybitmap, The with LINK:[MCLS] or LINK:[MLOADBMP] created watts.

If LINKX:[AutoPaint] with Set("AutoPaint",0) complete off is, is it thoroughly meaningfully (but not necessary) The expenses the Mainwindow too in StartPaint - EndPaint einzuschließen, where then as Fensterhandle LINK:[%Hwnd] To take is. <b>Wichtig:</b> each StartPaint must (!) one EndPaint follow. After the EndPaint erfolgen these expenses again the Mainwindow. During the Druckausgabe with StartPrint - EndPrint is the commands prohibited.

from the detour impossible are those command, The whom Textmode of XProfan concern, How about LINK:[LOCATE], LINK:[PRINT], LINK:[TBOX], ...

at that draw in DialogBoxen and DialogFenstern is To mind, that these Zeichnungen not automatically renewed go, if The Dialogbox z.B. through one other Window covers watts.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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