
getcontrolparas function: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

GetControlParas determined, whether and where one Click on one Item by linker Mouse button, right Mouse button or linkem semidetached-Click stattgefunden has.

P:B1 is a Zeiger on a 320 byte grossen Speicherbereich. this must before LINK:[declare]iert, and LINK:[DIM]ensioniert his.

If one Click stattgefunden has then becomes the memory P:B1 with Values filled, with them very slight Own Controls (z.B. Edits or Comboboxen etc.) on passender place in the list view created go can. an manuelle and variablere method, circa new Itemtexte type, similar LINK:[EnableEdits]().

is the Return Value 1, 2 or 3 then becomes P:B1 with subesquent Values filled (everything LongInts except the String):

0lever the List view Controls, in the the Click stattfand
4index the column (nullbasierend), in the the Click stattfand
8index the row (nullbasierend), in the the Click stattfand
12X position (Pixel) - inside the List view dimensions - the angeklickten Items
16Y position (Pixel) - inside the List view dimensions - the angeklickten Items
20wide the angeklickten Items (Pixel)
24Höhe the angeklickten Items (Pixel)
28Font lever of Listviews
32Textausrichtung inside the angeklickten slot (0=links / 1=rechts / 2=zentriert)
36-63yet unbenutzt
64String (no Zeiger!) with the Itemtext (maximum 256 Bytes, abschliessend with Nullbyte)

so can tappt im dunkeln now on passender place in the list view-Control Edits or other Controls create, z.B. Edits, The only numbers take in. or defined Split Lock, The not edited go can etc.
or integrally just detect, where exactly the Click stattfand.
One View source lying the List view-pkg with.
around the Parameter one designed Items to obtain (circa z.B. whom EnableEdits()-TAB-effect nachzubilden) can tappt im dunkeln LINK:[GetOwnControlParas]() using. List view.Dll needed.

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