
if Kontrollstruktur: Kontrollstruktur


go any instructions one Program in the in the Programmtext given Order one after another carryed out, must the Programmer at write decide, whether a defined instruction carryed out go should or not. These decision setting it then circa, because it The instruction into Program writes or. not the program writes.

In manchen Make can the Programmer these decision to Schreibzeit but none meet, because it not yet any required information has. about therefore, because these Information first to Laufzeit bereitstehen go.

now must the Programmer So the Program self question - whether a status given is - or not, circa entprechende Lines work out To let - or not. For this, serves if.

Optisch framed is with if a Weiche in the program set. Hierbei determining if whether the argument "Wahr" is - or not.

ought to the argument "Wahr" his - so go The subesquent Lines until conclusion the with LINKK:[IF] began Blockes worn out. One with LINKK:[if] begonnener block is either with LINK:[ENDIF], LINK:[ELSE] or LINK:[ELSEIF] abzuschließen. ought to the argument not "Wahr" his - so becomes the until LINK:[endif], LINK:[elseif] or LINK:[else] abgekapselte area übersprungen.


If < Bedingung>
... ' Profan-instructions
... ' process if The If-circumstance zutrifft.
ElseIf < Bedingung>
... ' Profan-instructions
... ' process if The If-circumstance not zutraf, these ElseIf-circumstance But of course.
ElseIf < Bedingung>
... ' Profan-instructions
... ' process if any previous terms not zutrafen, these ElseIf-circumstance But of course.
... ' Profan-instructions
... ' process if no the obigen terms zutraf.

Ifnot < Bedingung>
... ' Profan-instructions
... ' process if The Ifnot-circumstance NOT zutrifft.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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