
LoadImage, SHELL32 API: Image, graphic, Textausgabe


The function LoadImage loading a Cursor, one Icon or one Bitmap WinXP? and gives which lever back.

P:L1- here standing the instance-lever the Moduls, from the the image loaded go should. can 0 his, if the image a File loaded and is in Parameter 6 "$10" present is.
P:L2- If $10 definiert wude, standing here The address one Strings, the whom Filenames the Bildes contains.
If $10 not definiert watts and P:L1 one instance-lever definiert watts, standing here The address one Strings, the whom names the Bildes in the File contains.
If $10 not definiert watts and P:L1 no instance-lever definiert watts, standing into downstairs two byte (Word) the Identifier the OEM Images, the loaded go should.
P:I3- here standing one Flag for type the Images, the loaded go should
$0= Bitmap
$1= Icon
$2= Cursor
P:I4- here standing The desired wide the Bildes in Pixeln as Integer.
P:I5- here standing The desired Höhe the Bildes in Pixeln as Integer.
P:I6- ? Happen? The to determine, How the image loaded go should. ? Happen? can with | add go
$0= loading the image coloured.
$1= loading the image not coloured.
$10= invite Image of/ one Bilddatei.
$20= takes whom Farbwert the first Pixels the Bildes and supplant any Pixel of these Farbwert by the Backgroundcolor the Fensters.
$40= loading the image under Using the system Standardgrößen.
$80= Streckt the image not Parameter 4 and 5.
$1000= supplant defined Grauwerte through Systemfarben.
following ? Happen? gives?s not under WindowsNT
$1= loading the image not coloured.
$40= loading the image under Using the system Standardgrößen.
$10= invite Image of/ one Bilddatei.
$1000= supplant defined Grauwerte through Systemfarben.
$20= takes whom Farbwert the first Pixels the Bildes and supplant any Pixel of these Farbwert by the Backgroundcolor the Fensters.

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