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LookupAccountSid determined from the Security Identifier (SID) whom dazugehörigen User or Gruppennamen and the first Domain, on the this SID found watts.
Deklaration: DEF @LookupAccountSid(7) !"ADVAPI32","LookupAccountSidA"
P:L1 or P:B2 | address the or area with a Strings, the whom Systemnamen contains or 0 for actually computer. | P:B3 | Memory-Variable with the SID. | P:B4 | Memory-Variable, The whom groups- or Usernamen as String aufnimmt. | P:L5 or P:B6 | address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The the stature the Bereichs of Parameter 3 contains. watts Parameter 3 To small dimensioniert, standing here later The erforderliche Size of Parameter 3, if The function zurückkehrt. | P:B7 | an enough large Memory-Variable, The whom Domainnamen aufnimmt. | P:L8 or P:B9 | address of/ one LongIntvariablen or 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The the stature the Bereichs of Parameter 5 contains. watts Parameter 5 To small dimensioniert, standing here later The erforderliche Size of Parameter 5, if The function zurückkehrt. | P:L10 or P:B11 | address of/ one LongIntvariablen or SID_NAME_USE structure (4 byte large Memory-Variable), The a Flag for manner the Accounts aufnimmt, if The function zurückkehrt.
Flag | weight | §1 | Username (SidTypeUser) | $2 | Gruppenname (SidTypeGroup) | $3 | Domain (SidTypeDomain) | $4 | SidTypeAlias | $5 | SidTypeWellKnownGroup | $6 | Gelöschter Account (SidTypeDeletedAccount) | $7 | SidTypeInvalid | $8 | SidTypeUnknown | | SID's there only NT-based Windowssystemen.
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