
MapGenericMask, ADVAPI32 API


MapGenericMask GetControlParas (B Generic-rights in a Zugriffsmaske in its standard and specific rights circa and removes not defined ? Happen?. MapGenericMask is among other things at Compare of Zugriffsrechten a very useful function.

P:L1- 4 byte Memory-Variable or address of/ one LongInt-variables, The The umzusetzenden Zugriffsrechte contains. Kehrt The function back, stand here The transformed Zugriffsrechte.
P:L2- GENERIC_MAPPING Structure or 16 Bytes large Memory-Variable which angibt, as rights umgesetzt go should. there u.a. The specific rights from the manner the Zugriffsmaske take down (z.B. Files, Registry...), hang The here einzusetzenden values of it ex, on what itself the grabbed relating.
0-4= Kombinationsflag from standard and specific Rechten, The together GENERIC_READ correspond to. what here einzusetzen is, depends of it ex on what the Zugriffsmaske relating (z.B. Files, Registry...). with Files would the worth here $120089.
4-8= Kombinationsflag from standard and specific Rechten, The together GENERIC_WRITE correspond to. what here einzusetzen is, depends of it ex on what the Zugriffsmaske relating (z.B. Files, Registry...). with Files would the worth here $120116.
8-12= Kombinationsflag from standard and specific Rechten, The together GENERIC_EXECUTE correspond to. what here einzusetzen is, depends of it ex on what the Zugriffsmaske relating (z.B. Files, Registry...). with Files would the worth here $1200A0.
12-16= Kombinationsflag from standard and specific Rechten, The together GENERIC_ALL correspond to. what here einzusetzen is, depends of it ex on what the Zugriffsmaske relating (z.B. Files, Registry...). with Files would the worth here $1F01FF.

These API there only NT-based Windowssystemen.
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