
new function: OOP


B = @New(<Name>[,P1[,P2,...Pn]])

B : a undimensionierte Memory-Variable to take the Ergebnisses
<Name>: classes- or Strukturname
Pn : Parameter, The on whom Konstruktor transfer go (only classes)

Result: the begot Objekt or. The begot structure

If the relative class a Konstruktor has, becomes this to Erzeugung the Objektes automatically with the Parameters Pn called. One Konstruktor is a method, the ever to the Erzeugung the Objektes carryed out becomes. The Konstruktor becomes on it recognized, that it whom Thread-speed? as Methodennamen has. <b>Wichtig:</b> so the Konstruktor automatically with the Erzeugung the Objektes carryed out becomes, must the Objekt not the commands LINKP:[Dim], separate with the function @New() created go.

<b>Achtung:</b> B can also one element one nichtintialisierten Area array his, means about Test#[15]. On these point is it means possible, Elementen in a Area array different Objects and/or Structures zuzuweisen.

integrally important: The area must before not LINKP:[Dim] dimensioniert been his. is the area dimensioniert or becomes attempts, the Result of @New() another Datentyp zuzuweisen, results a Error Message.
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