
set function: system, Ger


with this function can numerous Systemzustände tuned go. the Reading this Systemzustände results with the function LINKF:[Get].

The To ändernde Systemzustand becomes by P:s1 indicated. for P:s1 there following mutants:

LINKX:[AutoPaint]Automatisches Repaint the Fensters one/aus; -to XProfan8: SetAutoPaint
LINKX:[CharSet]places Zeichensatz for nächstes UseFont/CreateFont fest; -to XProfan10: CharSet
LINKX:[DbMemoWidth]Automatic Line break at reading one Memofeldes; -to XProfan8: dbSetMemoWidth
LINKX:[DebugMode]setting whom LINK:[DebugModus]
LINKX:[Decimals]certainly The Number of auszugebenden Dezimalstellen; -to XProfan9: Decimals
LINKX:[Errorlevel]setting whom Errorlevel; -to XProfan8: SetErrorLevel
LINKX:[Escape]Escapezeichen (Ersatzzeichen/Backslash) one-/switch off
LINKX:[FastMode]toggles whom FastMode one/from (advanced MessageHandling from/one)
LINKX:[FileMode]Dateimodus to that Open and Bearbeiten; -to XProfan9: FileMode
LINKX:[ListDel]Separator for GridBOX and GetString$ take on
LINKX:[LogFile]name the Logdatei determine
LINKX:[MessageMode]setting whom MessageModus
LINKX:[NumWidth]Mindestweite the spending numerischer Werte; -to XProfan9: NumWidth
LINKX:[oglDepth]3D-deep in OpenGL Change
LINKX:[OnError]ERRORPROC one/from
LINKX:[PDC]can whom Druckerkontext on a beliebigen worth settle
LINKX:[PRINTRES]setting The Druckerauflösungsfaktor on a beliebigen worth
LINKX:[RandSeed]setting whom Startpunkt the Zufallgenerators on a designed worth
LINKX:[RegEx]Reguläre expressions for InStr() and Translate$() one/from
LINKX:[SQLColWidth]Anzeigelänge the boxes limit
LINKX:[SQLDBC]toggles on a defined SQL-link circa
LINKX:[SQLDel]setting whom Feldbegrenzer; -to XProfan9: SQLSetDel
LINKX:[SQLEmbedded]toggles XProfan-variables in SQL-Statements one or from
LINKX:[SQLFile]spending the SQL-Ergebnisses in angegebene File
LINKX:[SQLNull]certainly, what as NULL-worth outputted wird; -to XProfan9: SQLSetNull
LINKX:[SQLWidth]setting The Size of Memofeldern
LINKX:[StrWidth]The Mindest-Ausgabeweite for Strings becomes festgelegt; -to XProfan9: StrWidth
LINKX:[TrueColor]toggles whom Farbmodus um; -to XProfan8: SetTrueColor

further (from the Set-function independent) command and functions, The with SET begin:

LINK:[SetActiveWindow]activate the angegebene Window
LINK:[SetBit]herewith can aimed Bits staid/deleted go
LINK:[SetCheck]setting/deletes The CheckBox/whom RadioButton
LINK:[SetCloseMsg]request-dialog, the at close one Fensters triggered becomes (cm_close)
LINK:[SetCom]Serielle interface on new values take on + Puffer initialisieren
LINK:[SetComExt]Erweiterte Settings the seriellen interface (to @SetCom)
LINK:[SetComTimeOuts]turn on whom Timeouts the seriellen interface
LINK:[SetDialogFont]position whom for dialogs used Font one
LINK:[SetFAttr]setting new file-attributes
LINK:[SetFocus]setting whom Fokus on one angegebenes Fensterobjekt
LINK:[SetFont]setting a new Font for a Dialogelement
LINK:[SetLFN]Use of long Filenames (only 16-bit-Version)
LINK:[SetMenuItem]setting Systemvariable LINKS:[%MenuItem] on new worth
LINK:[SetPixel]setting one Pixel on bestimmter position with angegebener colour
LINK:[SetScrollPos]regulator the Rollbalkens on angegebene position settle
LINK:[SetScrollRange]Wertebereich the Rollbalkens settle
LINK:[SetStyle]one Dialogelement a new Style allocate
LINK:[SetText]the angegebenen Fensterobjekt a new Text allocate (too several Statuszeilenfelder)
LINK:[SetTimer]Zeitgeber (in Millisekunden) take on (LINKS:[%wmtimer], LINKP:[KillTimer]) (Mainwindow!)
LINK:[SetWindowPos]gives one Fensterobjekt a new position and Size
The version number einzelner Unterfunktionen sustain one in its Description. The @Set()-function watts in XProfan 7.5 with numerous Unterfunktionen introduced, it go however constantly extensions and Ergänzungen undertaken.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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