
setcom function: system, Ger



P:L1 - lever the interface
P:s2 - properly the stature the DOS-Befehles MODE

from Kompatibilitätsgründen To older XProfan-versions can the Parameter P:L1 too omitted. it'll then always the lever the last @LINK:[OpenCom] using.

The interface becomes on new values tuned and the Puffer initialized. The interface must before with @LINK:[OpenCom] opened been his. The String P:s2 gives The Settings in the stature the MODE-Befehles on. usual is the following stature:


COMx: The interface, z.B. COM2
B: Baud - speed: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200
Parity: O (Odd), E (Even), M (marrow), s (Space) or n (None)
D: Datenbits: 6, 7 or 8
s: Stopbits: 1, 1.5 or 2

the newer stature the fashion-Befehles is too allows.

The indicated the interface is naturally not any more necessary, there tappt im dunkeln already in @LINK:[OpenCom] standing, but allows. as they but dabeisteht, must it The right his! The appeal of @SetCom has now The same bearing, How the suitable DOS-commands. The TimeOut-Settings go not angetastet.

closer Notes see in the DOS-manuals. If these Einstellungsmöglichkeiten not suffice, bid @LINK:[SetComExt] yet further Opportunities. @LINK:[SetComExt] must to (!) @SetCom called go!

NOTE: To XProfan 8 setting @SetCom too The Timeout-Parameter the interface on Standardwerte. with neueren and faster Rechnern were these however not any more properly and led in some Make To Fehlfunktionen. ex XProfan 9 setting @SetCom no TimeOuts More and keeps The on the system tuned (and the rule korrekten) values with. want one nevertheless too on whom TimeOut-Values turn, there The function @LINK:[SetComTimeOuts].
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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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