
TrackPopupMenu, USER32 API: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

TrackPopupMenu shows Popupmenü (Trackmenu) on the angegebenen position on.

P:L1: lever the anzuzeigenden Popupmenüs.

P:L2: Anzeigeflag =>
$20 = Richtet The downstairs Menüseite to the in Parameter 4 angegebenen Koordinate from
$0 = Richtet The left Menüseite to the in Parameter 3 angegebenen Koordinate and the upper Page the Menüs to the in Parameter 4 angegebenen Koordinate from.from.
$8 = Richtet you rights Menüseite to the in Parameter 3 angegebenen Koordinate from.
$4 = Centered the Menu Mouse and Sprite around the in Parameter 4 angegebenen point
moreover can one Mausbuttonflag with | add go. on this Mausbutton reacted then the menu =>
$0 = linker Mausbutton
$2 = right Mausbutton

P:I3: Horizontal position as Integer.

P:I4.Parameter: Vertikale position as Integer.

P:L5: mandatory 0 his

P:L6: lever the Fensters, to the the Popupmenü heard.

P:B7: 16 byte Memory-Variable or structure, The angibt where the users clicking can, without that the Menu disappears =>
byte 0-3 = The X-Koordinate the oberen left corner the Bereichs.
byte 4-7 = The Y-Koordinate Koordinate the oberen left corner the Bereichs.
byte 8-11 = The X-Koordinate the downstairs rechten corner the Bereichs.
byte 12-15 = The Y-Koordinate the downstairs rechten corner the Bereichs.
this Parameter can also 0 his. the Menu disappears then with one Click into Menu.

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Torsten Boo05/20/21


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