
VirtualAllocEx, KERNEL32 API: Process, Thread, DLL

VirtualAllocEx reserved in the private Speicherbereich one (strangers) Prozesses memory or points virtual memory realem Memory.

P:L1 the lever the Prozesses, with the the Zugriffsrecht PROCESS_VM_OPERATION ($8) to open is.
P:L2 an desired Startadresse the Zuweisung.
becomes here 0 indicated, takes windows The nächstbeste address. otherwise becomes on The nächstmögliche address rounded.
P:L3 Number of To reservierenden or zuzuweisenden Bytes.
becomes here 0 indicated, becomes the gesammte memory To to next Page allocated or reserved. standing here a number, becomes the memory until end the started Page reserved or allocated.
P:L4 here can indicated go, whether the memory reserved or allocated go should. following ? Happen? are possible:

$1000 (MEM_COMMIT)The virtual memory becomes realem memory allocated. memory, the before reserved watts, can't allocated go. circa memory in a Slip zuzuweisen and To reservieren can this Flag with the Flag $2000 (MEM_RESERVE) combined go.
$2000 (MEM_RESERVE)Virtueller memory becomes reserved, circa it later realem memory zuzuweisen.
$8000 (MEM_RESET)The memory becomes momentarily not used, remaining but allocated. Parameter 5 must a valid Zugriffsflag include, z.B. $1 (PAGE_NOACCESS). The Speicherbereich must not a gemappten File or the Auslagerungsdatei occupied his.
$100000 (MEM_TOP_DOWN)memory the höchstmöglichen virtual address becomes taken. this Flag can with the others ? Happen? combined go.
$400000 (MEM_PHYSICAL)can only with $2000 (MEM_RESERVE) combined go.
$20000000 (MEM_LARGE_PAGES)

P:L5 One Flag, the The desired Zugriffsrechte on the memory angibt. following ? Happen? are possible:

$1 (PAGE_NOACCESS)any Zugriffe verweigern
$2 (PAGE_READONLY)only reading
$4 (PAGE_READWRITE)reading and write
$8 (PAGE_WRITECOPY)copy-on-write grabbed
$10 (PAGE_EXECUTE)Perform
$20 (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)Perform and reading
$40 (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)Perform, reading and write
$80 (PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY)Perform, reading and write as well as read-on-write and copy-on-write

kombinierbar with

$100 (PAGE_GUARD)The first Zugriffsversuch becomes prevented, thereafter is grabbed possible.

These function there only NT-based Windowssystemen.

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