I habs geschafft for your CMS a Click by Click editor for most important Textformatierungen To write.thanks for CMS Use. thanks too on Roland, I some from seinem Profed View source abschauen could. now can also integrally normal Modellbahner Templates for my HP zusammenklicken and write.
No not integrally. I have in the rechten Listbox The HTML command How I these for your CMS need. through Double click go The into Editorfeld eingefügt. Since I integrally slow by the CSS and HTML jungle durchzublicken begin, write I in your CSS classes with slight verständlichen names.
through Anklicken of HTML code Button I get then through the HTML Control a Grobübersicht as looks.the langt us Yes.More should it Yes not his.
we use naturally whom unübersetzten Text and rendern then in the CMS. only to that offline standing of my Redakteure need I The Tranlate and Preview Prozedure.The send me then The unübersetzte File to that Upload on the Server.
I have hold two large Problems. - the Translateverfahren(Umsetzen the Klassenamen HTML-code) with long Texten lasts and lasts - the Start the HTML Controls calls immediate The Firewall on the plan
for our needs langts and only the was us important.wished me here over again with whom "Zulieferern" thank.