can someone betray whether and as possible is of a shape method=get one Text the in a Textbereich of .asp to that .php verschlüsselt querystring To Send. The Verschlüsslung can very simply his, Hauptsache is the the Text the to .php gesendet becomes somehow unlesbar his should. I hope I have me verständlich framed, whom it is not for me, my son has me therefore gebeten here nachzufragen, dar it little german can.
The data lying already in the ASP to and must go ahead of/ one PHP-Gegenstelle sent go? You could The data Base64-Encoden and the PHP by fopen phone and in the Aufrufstring The data too same transfer. (goes but not very many byte according to Webserver-Config.)
for grosse Datenmengen could You these into (HTTP)Header take off (mail) and the PHP then Call.
an simple Verschlüsselung can You produce if you The base-kodierten data manipulate z.B. with Stringfunktionen.
thanks for speedy response my son isn't very advanced in the matter.
it says it must with Get make because it a list with RadioButtons has the ever a IP number allocated having Additional has it a Textbereich and these both data IP number + Text must to that PHP gesendet go with the method=post becomes only the Text gesendet but not The IP number and the method=get go both informationen Text+IP number in the URL to that PHP gesendet, To here creates it the, but in this drop can it The Verschlüsslung the Text don't because it from the users directly written becomes.
is it for you slight a small Beispielcode To post, so it see can How the very made becomes?