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Frank Abbing | i want a small Website make, on the simply some Images of/ one Webcam stand should, with the Headline the names the Webcamstandorte. The Webcambilder having static names and important would, that itself my Page z.B. each Minute once aktualisert, so The Cambilder ditto always currently are. has someone Perhaps already one anpassungsfähiges Script moreover?
left to the Images are z.B.: [...] [...] [...] [...] |
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| @Rolf
Lol is correct. Ma look Perhaps runs Yes of/ one time naked by the dwelling LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Richtigstellung: a |
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Frank Abbing | Habs on my Webpage set: [...] |
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Thomas Freier | @Frank: having already sooner so calculated, that You self a aufstellst. One example with good Wetterinformationen and steuerbarer Cam: [web]https://www.legoelektronik.se/se/webkamera[/web] can but unfortunately not The future see. means take we the weather as into 5 gebuchten weeks comes. @iF: THANK YOU for Script. could you it yet around the Start of/ one MP3 at started the first Bildes complement? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/09/08 ▲ |
| @Thomas: Mp3 simply by embed into html... |
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Thomas Freier | @iF: I had already, wished but a others lane weg. planned was one Gewässerbericht as swf. Stößt but on resistance, u.a. are The swf in Firmennetzwerken tlw. impossible. means a vertonte DIA-Show. Einzelbildvergrößerungen I had yet called over: CompileMarkSeparation with: CompileMarkSeparationfunction bildgross(img_url, img_title, img_width, img_height, img_text)
wnd = open(,
width= + (img_width + 62) + ,height= + (img_height + 84) +
,innerWidth= + (img_width + 62) + ,innerHeight= + (img_height + 84) +
,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0 +
var baseadr = location.href
var lastsl = location.href.lastIndexOf(\)
var img_text = SAV Pliete e.V. Lübeck
if(lastsl >= 0)
baseadr = baseadr.substring(0, lastsl + 1)
lastsl = location.href.lastIndexOf(/)
if(lastsl >= 0)
baseadr = baseadr.substring(0, lastsl + 1)
writeln(<HEAD><TITLE> + img_text + </TITLE>)
writeln(<BASE HREF= + baseadr + ></HEAD>)
writeln(<BODY onClick=wnd.close() >)
write(<font size=2 face=Verdana><b> + img_title + </b></font>)
writeln(<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE ><A HREF=javascript:self.close()><IMG SRC= + img_url +
WIDTH= + img_width +
HEIGHT= + img_height +
HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 ALT= + img_title + ></A></TD></TR>)
write(<font size=1 face=Verdana>ein Klick im Bild, schließt das Fenster</font>)
wnd.focus( class=s2>)
and this new Window game The music. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/10/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing |
@Frank: having already sooner so calculated, that You self a aufstellst.
alas nö.
One example with good Wetterinformationen and steuerbarer Cam: [...] can but unfortunately not The future see. means take we the weather as into 5 gebuchten weeks comes.
as Spontan- and Wochenendurlauber Have ichs there rather. though, 5 weeks leave buchen? enviable... |
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Thomas Freier | only no envy. Sometime are too You in the superannuation and have any Time the world a leave spontan To map. unfortunately play then Wunschziel and Quatier not always with. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/10/08 ▲ |
| @Thomas: i see not whom Context (whom You produce want?) between the "Popup" and of/ one "mp3".
The MP3 - completely alike whether output by JS created or directly by HTML - would I best by embed einbetten.
If you means MP3 in the "Popup" play want then füge still simply to writeln("</BODY></HTML>") one writeln("<embed .... hinzu.
the embed self can You Yes by einfachen Styleangaben (z.B. style="position:absolute;top:-1000") "verschwinden" let. |
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Frank Abbing |
only no envy. Sometime are too You in the superannuation and have any Time the world a leave spontan To map. unfortunately play then Wunschziel and Quatier not always with.
are you Frührentner? would have been with you never somebody in the Rentenalter vermutet... |
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Thomas Freier | Yes, Yes, The years are run. to 10 years I had too not yet so calculated. 2000 are then any To Jahrgang 49 into Vorruhestand gekündigt been. OK, geschenkte years, but one must then too with 30% less pension net get along. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/14/08 ▲ |
| @Thomas
we get still now 1,1% Rentenerhöhung ! ...and Berlin form tappt im dunkeln itself in her Elfenbeinturm one, the would generously. ! The Pflegeversicherung goes but immediately with rauf ! - so much to that Staate Germany and its respect to whom Rentnern ! |
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Detlef Jagolski | @Horst
our government setting even Prioritäten: afghanistan, Kosovo and lebanon and You belong even not to the Prioritäten or The pensioner.
there's still too nothing more To fetch with whom Rentnern, only yet To curtail.
its still schöner for mr minister gabriel 50000 € auszugeben for a Kabinettssitzung, circa itself to Berlin einfliegen To let
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 03/14/08 ▲ |