after by me from unerfindlichen Found The Help whom Calling the "Suchen"-Funkton always with a crash receipting has, poste I here time short The Solution:
in the Profanverzeichnis lying next to Profan.hlp too The Files Profan.cnt, profane.ftg and (cache) profane.gid. These three in a others Ordner move and Profan.hlp Call, et voilà - it functions again. subsequently have I any three again back into Profanverzeichnis moved and it works still.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4 ... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...
Hm, one Codesnippet is But not - sooner something for Regulars table. the DoppelT in "funkttioniert" was solid? Perhaps one Codesnippet to what The Files deletes - and already it fits.